Elementary Adventure
Elementary grades, 1st - 6th, is a great time for active learning by exploring and reaching for the gift God has planted in their little minds. This is the time to create the love of learning so when they reach Jr. high and/or high school they become self learners.
Junior High Transition
Jr. High is a time to review the basics and cement skills in preparation for high school. It’s a time to transition to report cards with letter grades and focus on more structured classes to become high school ready.
We offer diplomas and provide the IOWA Basic test, which can provide the confidence necessary to demonstrate that your student is ready to step into high school.
Advanced students in 7th - 8th grades may start their high school classes early. In the event that decision is made, they must now meet high school requirements in keeping a journal for these classes, and letter grade report cards must be submitted. These classes will be added to their transcript.
Benefits of Joining
the Perfect Balance between Accountability
and Flexibility!
- Legal coverage under our Private School Affidavit
- IOWA Basic Test for grades 3rd - 8th
- 8th grade diploma
- Accountability with school records and health records, if applicable.
- Maintain Cum files
- Report Cards or Progress Reports
- Total flexibility on curriculum choice
- Counseling for special needs students
- Assistance with IEP forms, if requested.
- Curriculum Resources